About Us
This site was created to showcase the iconic police vehicles and equipment that roam our streets every day. We are based in the Las Vegas area so you will see a lot of images from agencies in that area, but we showcase vehicles from anywhere. Our main goal is to showcase, preserve, and archive these vehicles! Legends such as the Crown Victoria are not commonly in service anymore, so the only way to see them in action is sites like these!
You can use the “Submit Photos” button at the top right to submit your own entries if you wish. If your local agency is not listed, we will be happy to add it. This site is crowd sourced, so your images help!
Questions? Contact us at info@interceptorshots.com
Our Contributors
This site would not be possible without our generous contributors and content providers. Links to their pages are below.
Founders: vegas.cvpi and 2dotslow
Content Featured From: vegas.cvpi, vegas.interceptors, critical.911